Z Denik
Verze z 3. 12. 2015, 04:44; (diskuse)
What needs to be packaged?
- HTML/Java: - most recent revision 1.2.3
- webkit and browser modules from the presenters project - available since commit
- Package for debian and ubuntu
- Get it into next release of these distributions
What has been done?
There is a branch debian at Jaroslav's personal clone of the repository at Check it out as
$ hg clone $ cd html~html4j $ hg up -C debian
The branch fixed various versioning issues and remove test classes and dependencies from the project. Remaining major dependency is OpenJavaFX (part of debian, but not ubuntu currently) needed for the boot-fx project (currently disabled; but it would be nice to have it enabled).
There is debian maven helper that can be executed in the repository as:
$ /usr/bin/mh_make -dfalse -tfalse -v